Kiss is a 16mm film, which concentrates on one of the gestures most intrinsic to cinematic language: the kiss. The work is filmed as an uncut ten-minute observation of a seemingly endless kiss on the topdeck of a London double-decker bus. Disengaged from their immediate environment, a young couple begins an intimate game of desire. The camera follows waves of desire, at times verging on pain and aggression then again full of joy and lightness.
Kiss focuses on one gestures that occurs between two people temporarily isolated within the public environment they find themselves in. The film is based on a real-life experience and is reconstructed with non-actors in the original locations, consciously playing on the ambiguity between a documentary mode and a staged event.
Register (FL//030)
Melanie Manchot
1 channel video, color video, stereo audio
1920px x 1080px, 10'17"