Adelita Husni-Bey, 2014


In 2014, thirty-five students of the Manara High School in Rome participate in a program inspired by a group exercise developed in Great Britain: divided into five groups (politicians, activists, bankers, journalists, and workers), they discuss issues in Italian politics that are currently in the news, such as unemployment, snap elections, and natural disasters. They workshop their views and ideas before presenting them in panel debates. But the goal, they have been told, is not to come up with the best possible solution, it is to gain power—an objective that inevitably sparks conflict and prompts unexpected coalitions.

Agency was a loan by courtesy of the artist and Laveronica arte contemporanea.


Adelita Husni-Bey
1 channel video, color video, stereo audio
1920px x 1080px, 39'20"